Environmental Award

Say thankyou to a person or project that helps the environment in your community!

The Environmental Award is for people, groups and businesses who volunteer their time, money or resources into projects and activities that benefit the environment in the communities where they live and work.



You can nominate an individual person, group of people, an organisation or charity as long as the work they do is to the benefit of the environment in theĀ Barrow Borough.

Projects could include beach cleans, recycling, educating people on environmental issues, looking after wildlife, helping to create or preserve conservation areas or local green spaces.



Previous finalists have included:business_new_growth_1600_clr_9165

  • Pat Denny for her efforts in providing a sanctuary for wild birds.
  • Grove Veterinary Centre for their on going free service to help sick or injured wildlife.
  • Barrow Wildside for their educational programmes on local wildlife and conservation.
  • Junior Wardens for the groups efforts in cleaning up local areas and helping to create green spaces.
  • Dowdales School Student Environmental group for their efforts in growing produce to give to the community and recycling projects.
  • Pat Southward for creating and maintaining a conservation area which is used by locals and schools and groups for education.

[DKB url=”http://lovebarrowawards.co.uk/nominate/” text=”NOMINATE NOW” type=”large” width=”175″ color=”#f7b2bf” opennewwindow=”no”]


Need some inspiration, check out previous winners and finalists…